Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

It Is Never To Late To Learn

by Rose Mary
There are people who do not pursue college education during their early days. For those who do, some of them do not continue with graduate education immediately after completing their first degree. These people have several reasons for not pursuing their studies at that time.
Firstly, they may lack the financial support for their study. Secondly, they may not be able to meet the entrance criteria set by the college. Thirdly, they may lack the interest to study. Fourthly, they may not be able to find their desired course in any of the colleges. Hence, they started looking for a job with whatever qualification they have, eventually found a job and began to work.
After working for some time, some of these people start to show interest in pursuing their education to a higher level-something that they did not do previously. They are keen to pick up where they had left off. There are several compelling reasons why they want to do this.
Firstly, they now have the financial capability to take up the course. After working for a period of time, they could have saved a substantial sum of money and want to invest in their education. Secondly, their learning ability could have improved and they have succeeded in meeting the entrance requirement set by the college. Some people excel in their studies later. Thirdly, they could have developed interest in a particular subject during their course of work or personal encounters. Sometimes, certain encounters in our life may uncover our deep rooted passion or interest in a certain subject and we want to further our knowledge in that area.
Fourthly, these people could have been promoted to a higher position after working in the industry for a period of time and they need to acquire more knowledge in the field they are working. When a person is given a higher position, the demand for knowledge in a certain subject also increases. Hence, he or she needs to learn more about that subject in order to perform his or her duties efficiently. For example, if an engineer is promoted to be a chief engineer, he or she should increase his or her engineering knowledge. Perhaps, in another case, if an engineer is promoted to be the head of the engineering department, he or she should learn more about management skills. In either case, the person has to acquire more knowledge in order to perform the new responsibilities well.
Is it too late for these people to learn again? The answer is no. It is never too late for them to learn as long as they have the means and the opportunity to do so. If they are interested to learn, and have the money and time to do so, they should take the chance to learn.
As long as they can apply the new knowledge, they should go forth and take up a course. They should not deprive themselves from enjoying the benefits of learning. Moreover, with so many distance learning programs available, they can study without having to quit their jobs. Many colleges provide distance learning programs for various disciplines specifically for working adults who want to study but do not wish to leave their jobs.
Distance learning programs provide people the flexibility and freedom to study at any place and any time. These programs are gaining more popularity and credibility. Some research studies have shown that distance learning education can be as effective as campus-based education and distance students can perform as well as or better than campus-based students.
Are you keen to further your education? If you are, then there is no reason why you should not proceed to take up a course and learn. At any point of your life, it is always not too late to study a course and gain additional knowledge. Besides, with distance education, learning is made possible now for those who want to study as well as continue working. You can carry on with whatever you are doing and learn at your own pace and at any place. Furthermore, with so many courses available, you will definitely be able to find the course you want to study. You can get a free catalogue and find out more about the courses that interest you at Distance Learning Degree.

Adult Learning Disabilities

by Patrick Hartell
You have to deal with a number of issues if you have a learning disability, even if that disability was diagnosed in the childhood. The issues will be different and many more in adulthood than they were in your childhood years. Hence you will have to find new ways to cope with these challenges and issues posed by the learning disability.
Most children plan on marrying, having children, and being a productive member of their society. If you have a learning disability, you will have to incorporate it into your life-plan. You will need to learn ways of handling the milestones in your life and still deal with your disability. You can lead a successful life with a little by taking some small steps.
Learning disabilities come in many forms, but usually affect how a person thinks, talks, hears, reads and writes. These problems impact how you process thoughts and perform tasks such as mathematics. Since we use these skills everyday, you will have to find ways of coping with daily tasks.
It can be extremely difficult to be an adult with a learning disability. Other adults expect you to have the same skill sets that they do and may become angry and frustrated when they have to repeatedly explain something to you. They don't realize that you need extra time to make sense of certain things. You may even drop out of classes you're taking because others don't understand your needs. Doing this will most likely jeopardize your career plans.
You need to find the balance between having a disability and changing your goals. You do need to know your limitations but at the same time there is no reason for you not to live a full and happy life. You should be able to enjoy relationships and being a parent, even with your learning disability.
Being a parent with learning disability can be tough and stressing. To reduce the stress of being a disability parent, you can do a number of things like take care of your time and manage it properly.
One of the many tricks that you can implement so that you don't forget important family information is to have a calendar prominently displayed in the kitchen or other room in your home. Keep track of dates and times when you and your children need to be somewhere. This way you have a constant visual reminder to refer to so that you don't miss appointments and pick up times.
Keep your home as organized as possible so that when you need to find something it will be in a permanent location inside your home. This ensures that you don't spend unnecessary time searching for something that you need since this can often lead to your frustration and anger.
Remember that it is very important to remain calm and patient even when things are not going the way you may want them to. Everyone, even those who don't have a learning disability will have moments that are frustrating and trying. Do not blame everything that goes wrong on your learning disability.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Can We Improve Simple Mental Computational Skills?

Three years ago I tried to pay attention to importance of simple mental calculations for success in school math. Now it must be not only attempt, it must be an appeal to all who worried about the future of mathematical education.

My last studies show that the skills of pupils are getting worse and worse. Last year I have tested 106 final-year pupils of primary school in mental addition and subtraction (within the limits of 20), multiplication and division (within the limits of 100). Standard tables including 64 elementary operations on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division were used for determination of the level of the skills. You can see specimens of the tables at my site Prevention of Failure in School Mathematics (Improvement of Elementary Computational Skills, Tables).

The results turned out worrying: 52% of the sample has failed in addition and subtraction; 75% of the sample has failed in multiplication and division. In comparison with the data which had been obtained five years ago there is considerable deterioration (25 – 30 %). My earlier investigations show that all of these pupils have no chances to understand and master more complicated topics. If the trend will not change, very soon school math will turn into “knowledge for minions of fortune” and will become a sort of magic for other pupils.

Can we improve the situation? My answer is yes. I have chosen one class (20 pupils) with next results:

on addition: good – 2, uncertainly – 8, bad – 10;
on subtraction: good – 2, uncertainly – 7, bad – 11;
on multiplication: good – 5, uncertainly – 1, bad – 14;
on division: good – 4, uncertainly – 1, bad – 15.

During half a year we worked with standard tables. In total the pupils have completed eight tables on each arithmetical operation. Besides that the tables were constantly used as homework. In February the class has implemented a control test. Here are the results:

on addition: good – 16, uncertainly – 2, bad – 2;
on subtraction: good – 14, uncertainly – 5, bad – 1;
on multiplication: good – 10, uncertainly – 5, bad – 5;
on division: good – 9, uncertainly – 5, bad – 6.

Success on addition and subtraction is evident. You may say that on multiplication and division the results are not so good. But we must take into consideration that such a work must be implemented much earlier – at the second and third grades. Teachers of secondary school have not enough time to improve simple mental computational skills. It is a job of primary school.

If we want the greater part of our pupils will understand math in future, we must teach them some simple things in present. The first of these things are simple mental computations.